Villa Amani Lombok

Community lead Lombok experience in Kuta Lombok

We work with the local community to bring our guests the best experience in Kuta Lombok.

Villa Amani brings guests the best experiences in Kuta Lombok, working with the local community to create a range of wholesome experiences for all ages.  Conservation, sustainability and empowerment are at the centre of what we do to foster meaningful engagement with our guests and community.
Lombok’s diversity and rich cultural heritage provide a wealth of culinary, artistic and cultural experiences for guests to enjoy.
To learn more about our experiences in Kuta Lombok, send us a message or speak to the management team at Villa Amani.

Experience Kuta Lombok

At Villa Amani Kuta Lombok, we work with the local community and businesses in various ways to bring the best of Lombok culture, taste and environment to our guests.
With conservation, sustainability and empowerment at the centre of what we do, we wish to create meaningful engagement with our guests and the surrounding local community and environment.

Villa Private Dining

We work with a selection of chefs from Lombok and overseas to create fantastic dining experiences for our guests in the comfort and privacy of the Villa. Our team shall tailor to the guest’s desires, whether for a romantic dinner or special occasion.

Traditional Weaving

Since the silk road period of the Majapahit, Indonesia has created some of the most delicate fabrics in the world. Local community leaders take guests on a weaving experience into the world of Ikat and Batik textiles unique to Lombok.


Cooking Classes

There is no better way to learn about a culture than through its food. Local Lombok chef Pak Lalu and his team take guests on a fun and engaging gastronomic journey through the tastes of Indonesia and Lombok.


Surfing Lessons

Lombok has some of the best surf in the world with a variety to suit all levels of surfers. Our team can help organise lessons and tours to some of the best uncrowded surf spots on the island.


Scuba Diving

Working with our trusted dive partners we can arrange for guests to dive on many of the excellent spots that’s around the island including hammerhead point and the legendary Gili islands.


Lombok Cultural Tours

Working with the local community we invite guests to immerse them selves in traditional Sasak living with a host of environmental, arts and cultural tours that explore the island and its people.


Lombok Trecking Tours

Tour on foot and bike some of Lomboks most beautiful scenery from waterfalls to the coastal paths and volcanic climbs of Rinjani.

Lombok Fishing

Take a trip with a traditional fishing boat and explore the ocean around South Lombok with options of both line fishing and spear fishing available.

Kuta Paragliding

In the season a number of paragliding tandem opportunities are available from Kuta or surrounding areas.

Coffee Tours

Visit the coffee plantations and marvel at the dramatic scenery and rich tropical climate, roast and taste your very own coffee and learn about this important local industry.